SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 | Are There Enough Workers to Support The Electrification Movement in Colorado?
Find out what Res Builders need next from their contractors to transition?
Are there Enough Workers to Support the Electrification Movement? Find out what Res Builders need next from their contractors to transition? KEYNOTE SPEAKER | Assoc. General Contractors, Michael Gifford Do we have enough labor workforce to meet construction demand in Colorado? The realities of Colorado’s labor shortages since 2019. Where contractors plug into the labor pipeline to hire workers? | Presentation KEYNOTE SPEAKER PANEL & OPEN FORUM | New Homes — Thrive Home Builders, Bill Rectanus, Chief Operating Officer — McStain Neighborhood, Rick Lambert, VP Purchasing & Operations — Build Tank, Inc, Robby Schwarz, Principle, EnergySmart's ANNOUNCEMENT | New BPI 'Decarbonization Credential’ | Presentation — BPI, CEO Larry Zarker & John Jones | Anticipated Rater & Contractor Roles REGULATORY AFFAIRS JOIN NOW to Inform, Advocate, & Influence Utility and City Rebate Policies | UPDATE | Xcel Energy Strategic Issues and 2023 DSM [REBATE] Plan Settlement Process | Presentation — Howard Geller, EEBC Expert Witness & DSM Consultant — Mark Detsky, Dietze & Davis, EEBC Legal Counsel Join Monthly Action Group Meetings In September. Your rebate proposals are due Mid-October for Xcel Energy Rebates. The 500-page DSM plan has sections on programs that will affect EEBC members. DSM/Rebate Program — PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS How to Organize Your Rebate Proposal | Submission Template/Form 023 Xcel Energy DSM & BE PLAN | 22A-0315EG_2023 DSM & BE Plan Below are the sections which may apply to your industry. Please review and send comments to Patricia@eebco.org. HVAC Residential HVAC (pp 136-143), Business HVAC (pp 40-44) LIGHTING Home Lighting (pp 122-124), Business Lighting (pp 67-71) LED Street Lighting (pp 65-66) EFFICIENCY Whole Home Efficiency (pp 147-149) Business Custom Efficiency (pp 51-59) BUSINESS Business New Construction (pp 72-80) Small Business Solutions (pp 85-88) MULTI-FAMILY:(pp 129-132) INSULATION & AIR SEALING (pp 125-128) HOME ENERGY SQUAD (pp 118-121) ENERGY STAR HOMES (pp 105-113) MEETINGS & EVENTS EEBC Quarterly Membership Meeting | December 15, Thursday EEBC Monthly Action Group Meetings | HVAC/HP | LIGHTING – Join Now for Proposals Due October for Xcel Energy Rebates Good Green Jobs Program | FLYER – Hiring Pipeline for EEBC Member Contractors for the next 3-years – Scholarships for existing employee upskill training/onboarding Metro Denver Green House Tours • October 1, Saturday | Flyer RM Building Maintenance & Engineering Expo • October 4, Tuesday | Flyer BELCO Leadership Summit [Beneficial Electrification League Colorado] |
June 16, 2022 | Beneficial Electrification... Is It Destined To Be Our Industry's 'New Normal'?
Where does your company stack-up, Let's take stock, and are we ready by 2024?
BENEFICIAL ELECTRIFICATION… Where does your company stack-up let’s take stock, and are we ready
Xcel Energy Answers The Most Common Question By Consumers & The EE Industry... Do We Have Enough Energy To Electrify The Utility Grid?
| UPDATES | Legislation Sessions & Local Regulatory
MARCH 17, 2022 | How Recent Events Are Changing The HVAC Industry Influence Major Industry Changes Being Decided in 2022 |
The Intersection of Sustainability, IAQ, PRESENTERS The Harmonious Co-Existence of Healthy & Sustainable Buildings
Market Transformation | PRESENTATION
Contractors - IAQ Sales | PRESENTATION Jonathan Moscatello, Business Development Manager Southwest, jonathan.moscatello@daikincomfort.com | 503-267-6425 IAQ - Indoor Air Quality | PRESENTATION Roger Yannett, Territory Manager / Residential New Construction Specialist, Carrier West ryannett@carrierwest.com | 720-519-7022 UPDATE | Local Regulatory & Legislation Sessions PRESENTERS Howard Geller, EEBC Consultant hgeller@swenergy.org | 303-447-0078 Christine Brinker, Senior Buildings Policy Manager, SWEEP Justin Brant, Utility Program, Co-Director, SWEEP COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES | PRESENTATION POLICY ACTION COMMITTEE Carmen Best, VP of Policy & Emerging Markets, Recurve carmen@recurve.com | 608.332.7992 LIGHTING ACTION GROUP CO-CHAIRS mike@nluce.com | 720-323-9330 Scot Kelley, Colorado Lighting, Inc. skelley@coloradolighting.com | 303- 288-3152 HVAC/HP ACTION GROUP CHAIR Shawn LeMons, Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US LLC slemons@hvac.mea.com | 720.648.0505 RECORDING NOT AVAILABLE | AGENDA SLIDE |